16 July

Joel Kefali - Telstra "Together, It's Magic"

July 16, 2018

One Man Convinces Another He Is Not Having An Affair With His Wife - Canal Plus - The Closet (Advert.Ge)

Look! Up in the sky! It's Super Hotdogger!

Introducing the newest member of the Oscar Mayer Wienerfleet – #SuperHotdogger! Like a meteor streaking across the night sky, #SuperHotdogger defies gravity and delivers Oscar Mayer hot dogs wherever he goes.

Accompanied by his trusty sidekicks, the Hotdoggers, this strong, silent hero is on a mission to go to great lengths — and new heights — to get better hot dogs in every hand. Why?



July 29, 2022

One Man Convinces Another He Is Not Having An Affair With His Wife - Canal Plus - The Closet (Advert.Ge)

July 16, 2018